Buying 8 April 2024

What Sellers really want to see in your offer

No, it’s not necessarily about offering the highest price.

After working with both buyers and sellers, I can tell you with great certainty that most sellers care that your offer is…


They want to know that your financing is secure, you’re ready to work in good faith to get through (minimal) contingencies, and that your offer won’t fall through.

They want to know that you will meet deadlines, comply to timelines, be pleasant to work with and that the process will be smooth.

As we head into a hopefully hotter spring market, here are some things you can do to prepare to buy:

1. Get pre-approved with a lender. Most sellers won’t even consider an offer without one. It shows you’re qualified and serious.

2. Determine your budget. Your pre-approval amount is a great place to start. However, it doesn’t necessarily determine the amount you’re comfortably willing to pay each month towards a mortgage, insurance and taxes. Talk with your lender, they can help you run the numbers.

3. In a really competitive situation, consider performing a pre-offer inspection prior to putting in an offer. That is a major plus to sellers.