Selling 8 April 2024

Four Things to AVOID if you want to sell your house

I’ve been selling real estate for several years and I’ve seen it all.

These are the top 4 mistakes I see sellers making.

If you want to sell your house, avoid these things.

01 — Avoid being too “taste specific”
Don’t present your home in a way that is too “taste specific,” meaning that it’s too specific to your own design preferences.
If you want to sell your home, present it in a way that is neutral and appeals to the largest pool of buyers.

02 — Don’t neglect the exterior.

First impressions matter. Avoid overgrown lawns, peeling paint, and cluttered front yards.

Invest some effort in enhancing your home’s curb appeal by maintaining the landscaping, cleaning the exterior, and making necessary repairs.

03 — Don’t start with an unrealistic price

If you want to get the best price for your home, you want to price it accurately from the start.

An unrealistically priced home can turn buyers off and result in a price drop.

It may seem counterintuitive, but pricing slightly lower than your target price can produce the most amount of offers and highest price contract.

04 — Don’t get emotional.

Selling a home can be an emotional process, but it’s important to approach it with a business mindset.
Avoid getting overly attached to your home during negotiations and be prepared to negotiate based on market realities.

If you’re considering selling your home, let’s set up a time to discuss your goals.